A retail customer found a black floral fabric she liked, from our existing inventory. She hung into it after the purchase and when the time was right she scheduled a consultation to have the fabric useed to upholster some chairs she obtained.
Imagine our respective surprise upon realizing the fabric yardage she purchased wasn’t sufficient to cover all of the chairs. Worse yet, the design had been discontinued and no additional yardage was available from the mill or their distributors.
However, leveraging our experience and creativity, a winning solution was found. By using a coordinating fabric on the sides and back, we were able to use the black floral design on the more visible back and seat and allowed the customer to update all of here chairs.
This is a design trick that I have used for quite some time now, especially where the client’s budget may be tight and their preferred fabric design a bit expensive.
After all, isn’t necessity really the “Mother of Invention”?